Application Method of Teflon Coating

Teflon Coating

Application Method of Teflon Coating

A Teflon coating has the ability to apply many other properties to the item it is being applied to. Of course Teflon’s non-stick properties are probably the most common ones desired, but there are a few other properties, like temperature-related properties, that might be the ones that are actually being sought. But whatever the property that is being sought from Teflon, there are a couple of methods of application:

  1. The surface of the item that is being coated with Teflon is sandblasted so that it receives a lot of tiny micro-abrasions. This rougher surface is easier for the non-stick Teflon to grab onto. However, this method has been shown to create a rather weak bond with the item it is being coated onto. This is why some cookware may be more easily scratched than others.
  2. A stronger bond can be created by using a resin as a bonding agent to help the Teflon stick onto the item.

Both of these two methods focus on overcoming the one property that so many people know Teflon for its non-stick property. After all, it is very difficult to get something that doesn’t stick to anything to actually adhere onto an object. But once the Teflon coating is applied, you have a smooth surface that resists water and can stand up to a wide variety of temperatures. It’s perfect for numerous applications, both in the consumer and industrial sectors.

The goal of both Teflon coating and powder coating is basically similar, although the processes used to apply each of them are slightly different. Both coatings are meant to impart some specific property to the item that is being coated. For powder coating, the goal is a protective layer that will keep the item from being damaged, although with Teflon, usually a non-stick surface is the property that is intended to be given to the item it is being applied 

Teflon coating is a unique industrial coating with excellent properties that other industrial coatings cannot match.

The high-tech performance of Teflon coatings can reduce product costs and improve production efficiency in many ways. It can also be used to directly solve problems with your product to improve product quality and increase sales.

Teflon coating is the originator of non-stick coating, which combines heat resistance, chemical inertness, excellent insulation stability and low friction, and has comprehensive advantages that other coatings cannot compete with.

Teflon industrial coatings are available in powder and liquid forms. The flexibility of product application allows it to be used on almost all shapes and sizes of products, and the added value of Teflon coatings to products far exceeds the value of non-stick coatings themselves.

2 Comments to Application Method of Teflon Coating

  1. Sveiki. Keptuve iseitu atnaujinti. Teflona nusmeliavus nauja padengti. Kokia butu kaina 28cm skersmuo

  2. Chúng tôi cần phun phủ 1 lớp teflon có độ dầy 0.05mm lên bề mặt các linh kiện cao su silicone để chống dính. Đề nghị cung cấp cho chúng tôi loại teflon để phun phủ phù hợp với bề mặt cao su silicone và hướng dẫn cách thi công

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