Tag: Powder Paint Colors


Munsell Color Chart, Munsell Catalogue

Munsell Color Chart, Munsell Catalogue

Munsell Color System Description

Munsell Color System Description The Munsell color system was first established by the American painter and art teacher Albert H. Munsell around 1900, so it was named “Munsell color system”. The Munsell color system consists of five basic colors—red (R), yellow (Y), green (G), blue (B), and purple (P), plus five intermediate colors—yellow-red (YR). ), yellow-green (YG), blue-green (BG), blue-violet (BP), and red-violet (RP) as a reference. Each hue is subdivided into four colors, represented by the numbers 2.5, 5,Read More …

Paint Over Powder Coat – How to paint over powder coat

Paint over powder coat - How to paint over powder coat

Paint over powder coat – How to paint over powder coat How to paint over powder coat surface – conventional liquid paint will not stick to powder coated surfaces. This guide show you the solution of painting over powder coated surface for both indoors and outdoors. Firstly,All surfaces must be clean, dry and free from anything that will interfere with the adhesion of the materials to be applied.Wash the powder coated surface to remove loose and failing material by scraping orRead More …

Pantone PMS Colors Chart Used For Printing and Powder Coating

Pantone PMS Colors Chart Pantone® Matching System Color Chart PMS Colors Used For Printing Use this guide to assist your color selection and specification process. This chart is a reference guide only. Pantone colors on computer screens may vary based on the graphics card and monitor used in your system. For true accuracy use the Pantone Color Publication.